selenium courses for freshers in bangalore BTM Layout 2nd Stage, Marathahalli, Jayanagar and Kalyan Nagar near me

Both In Classroom and Instructor-Led Online Classes Available

Learn Selenium Testing Course and Get JOB, Enroll now to get
Flat 10% Discount, Call 7353472326 to
Get Trained and Get Employed!

Pure Practical & Career Oriented Classes

Manual Testing, Selenium with Java or Python

Delivered by 11+ Yrs ISTQB Certified Expert | 18409+ Professionals Trained with 90% Placement Record

New Batch starting in 4 Days - Enroll your Seat Now!

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Get Started with Free Demo Class:

Learn to build. Deploy Code better. Master with ISTQB Certificate

  • 100% Gauranteed Placement Support : We have tie-ups with MNC Companies and other companies so we will send you for interviews till you get a JOB!
  • Instructor has 10+ years of experience in Selenium Testing & Mobile Automation Testing Appium
  • Well-Equipped Lab with Computers to practice selenium after Class
  • Real Time Project work, Mock Interviews, Mock Exams etc.)
  • Industry Recognised Certification Guidance Support with Exam Dumps
  • We are available for your Doubts/clarifications after the training course
  • Resume & Interviews Preparation Support

"Selenium is used for automating Web Applications. In this course you will experience to work with Data Driven Framework and Keyword Driven Framework and perform Cross browser testing"

India's Best

AI Training in bangalore

Placed more than 3902+ Freshers and 2183+ Working Professionals in several IT Firms, and MNCs with Best Salary Package.

Book Your Free Class

Get Job with our Guaranteed Placement Support Program


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Manual Testing + Selenium with Python & Java Course Details

100% Placement Programs

Learn Advanced selenium course marathahalli bangalore
  • Lots of MNC Companies and Recruitment Firms contacts us for our students profiles on regular basis
  • We help our students prepare their Resumes
  • We Provide Assistance for Interview Preparation
  • Mock Exams conducted.
  • Mock Interviews
  • Pre-Requisite: core Java fundamentals would be required to learn Selenium. We provide you a complimentary 'Java Essentials for Testing With Selenium WebDriver',
  • Projects: You Work on Real Life Project
  • Latest and Update Course Contents as per corporate standards.
  • ONE-to-ONE Tuitions to make Students Selenium Experts

Course Duration

best selenium training institute in marathahalli btm with job placement
  • Core Java: 30 - 45 Days Practical Classes
  • Selenium: 45 Days Practical Classes
  • In Class, You Get In-Depth Practical Knowledge on each Topic
  • Weekdays Classes
  • Weekend Classes
  • Location: Courses are run in our Bangalore training centres (BTM Layout, Marathahalli, Jayanagar, kalyan Nagar and Rajaji Nagar)
  • Can be on-site at client locations (Corporate Training and Online Sessions)
  • Pay only after Attending FREE DEMO CLASS
  • Highly cost effective Training Fees
  • Real Time case studies to practice
  • Free Technical Support after Course Completion
  • Back up Classes Available
  • LAB Facility
  • Free Wifi to learn subject
  • Latest Study Material
  • Attend 1st Class Free
  • Fast Track courses

Main Selenium Topics Covered

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  • Selenium with Core Java
  • Selenium with Python
  • Mobile Automation Testing Tools
  • Selenium Remote Control RC and Locater Techniques
  • Selenium WebDriver
  • Selenium-Grid
  • Selenium IDE
  • Designing of FrameworkS
  • ANT , MAVEN , JENKINS , SVN , cucumber
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Learn by Working on Real Time Selenium Projects

Project 1

  • HR system
  • Testing ESS - Employee Self Service: A module available to general users allowing them to update vital information like contact details, education, skills, licenses etc. Certain fields that are defined by the admin cannot be changed e.g. Job and Salary. The functionality of this module spans through the entire system, making information available anywhere, anytime. All information is subject to company defined security policy, where everyone can only view the information he/she is authorized to.

    Project 2

  • Flight Booking Application and HR System
  • Leave Module: The Leave Module automates the HR administrative tasks of recording leave and controlling these against leave policies defined in the HR system. The module provides flexibility in allowing you to define various types of Leave, including Annual Leave, Sick Leave, Travel leave etc. The Leave Module has the ability to send notifications to covering officers and allows you to record, track leave and view leave history. The web-enabled and self-service concepts significantly streamline all leave related procedures, eliminate paperwork and saves costs.

    Project 3

  • Cucumber BDD with Page Objects and Page Factories with Parallel Execution, Data Driven extended with Grid Implementation
  • True Reviews by Real Students

    4.9/5 Ratings Given by Trainees

    Selenium Trainee Reviews

    Student Reviews about there Experience
    Kick Start your Selenium Career by Becoming
    a Certified Selenium Professional.

    Latest Student Reviews

    See Inside InventaTeq Lab Facility, Classroom and Placement Cell
    Have a Look at Our ClassRooms,
    Lab, Placement Cell & Other Facilities

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    Java Selenium Course with Placements

    Deepika Got Job in as Software Engineer with 6.25 Lacs Package.

    Shalini got placed in IBM as a Software Engineer with 4.5 Lacs rs Salary per Year

    Mr Abhishek has offered by Infosys company located in bangalore with 3.7 Lacs package

    Mr Kaushar got job in Genpact located in Sarjapur Road with 4.2 Lacs package

    Hemalata has Placed in IMSHealth as Software Engineer with 2.8 Lacs per year

    Ankit Khanduri has been hired by 3one Technologies Pvt.Ltd with 3.9 Lacs package

    NIDHEESH .C.P got job in Quantam Asia and offered salary was 22000 Rs per month.

    best selenium trainer in bangalore btm and marathahalli


    Meet our Selenium Industry Experts who is going to Train You

    • Selenium instructor is a working professionals from the Testing Industry and have 12+ years of relevant experience in various domains. He is subject matter expert and will provide you only Job Oriented training with practical Selenium classes.

    Why get certified

    Which is the best training institute for selenium automation?

    Getting certified shows employers that you have a clear understanding of the core concepts of selenium testing. You can also add the qualification to your CV, and easily upload it to your LinkedIn profile.

    Becoming certified shows you’ve got genuine selenium testing skills, and that you are motivated to learn: two essential qualities in today’s business world. Demonstrating these qualities can help improve your chances of finding the job you want.

    Improving your selenium testing knowledge can help you find a job, get promoted, or start a whole new career.

    Best Selenium Training Institute in Bangalore

    Please be informed that we are conducting a FREE DEMO CLASS Tomorrow for Selenium along with Java and Python Training. Call 7353472326 , btm layout: 080-42108236 , marathahalli: 080-42024661, jayanagar: 08041502315 and Book your Seat Now!

    REGISTER YOUR SEAT & Get 10% Discount!

    Popular Selenium Modules you need to learn for Better Job Oppurtunities

    Selenium with Core Java Course

    Selenium with Core Java Course

    Learn Java Essentials to become a good Selenium Test automation developer

    Selenium with Python Course

    Advanced Selenium

    The course deals with various automation related concepts such as the Selenium IDE Webdrivers, Grid, RC, Locators, Selenium actions and Frameworks.

    Selenium testing institute

    Selenium with Python Training

    We Make Your Team Selenium Experts who can Test any kind of Software Application.

    Our Hiring Partner for selenium training and placement

    Our Hiring Partner for Placements

    Still Hunting for a Job? (or) Want to Make a Career Switch into Selenium Testing?

    Recruiters are looking for you!

    All you need is Learn A-Z of Selenium with InventaTeq, 

    Become Selenium Certified Professional And Get JOB with our Free Placement Assistance Program

    Enroll Your Name Now!

    Selenium and Java COURSE CONTENT

    • web driver classes in kalyan nagar Core Java, OOPs Concepts
    • 1. Java Introduction

      o History
      o OOPS Concepts
      o Why to learn java
      o Different versions of java o platform independent

      o Difference between other programming languages and java.

      o Installing java
      o PATH
      o CLASS PATH
      o System and User Variable.

      3. IntegratedDevelopmentEnvironment(IDE)

      o Advantages of using IDE

      o Eclipse


      4. Coding Standards

      o Guide lines for creating class, method and variables. o Comments in java

      5. Class

      o What is class
      o Syntax to create a class
      o Access modifiers for class o Real world examples
      o What is syntax for methods

      o Return type for methods o Arguments for methods

      6. Object

      o What is object
      o Syntax to create an object
      o Steps involved in creating the object o Memory allocation for objects.
      o What is reference variable

      7. Data types

      o Primitive Data types
      o Default values for Data types
      o Casting of primitive Data types
      o Reference Data types
      o Default values for reference data types

      8. WrapperClasses

      o What is wrapper Data types

      o Why to use wrapper Data types , case study o Default values.
      o Syntax for Wrapper Data types
      o Auto Boxing and Auto un-boxing

      9. VariableTypes

      o Different types of variables o Variables declaration places o Default values for variables o Final variables.


      o What is packages
      o Why packages are needed. o How to use packages.


      o What is a constructor?

      o Where and how to use a constructor.
      o Types of constructors.
      o Why Constructor overloading and chaining. o Constructor overloading with examples.
      o Constructor chaining with examples.
      o Use of ‘this’ keyword

      12.Abstract classes

      o What is Abstract class?
      o Difference between class and Abstract class
      o Abstract class syntax
      o What is Abstract method
      o Difference between concrete methods and abstract methods. o Abstract methods syntax.
      o How to implement abstract class.


      o What is inheritance
      o Types of inheritance
      o Support of java to inheritance
      o Examples using ‘extends’ key word. o Constructors in inheritance


      o What is Encapsulation
      o Why do we need encapsulation o Advantages of encapsulation


      o What is interface
      o What is the use of Interface

      o How to implement interfaces
      o Difference between interfaces , abstract class and class o How to achieve multiple inheritance by using Interfaces. o How to define variables in interface.



    • automation tools coaching


      o What is a polymorphism
      o Advantages of polymorphism
      o Different types of polymorphism

      Overloading vs Overriding

      o Understanding with business use-case


      17.Java Basic Operators

      o Arithmetic Operators o Relational Operators o Bitwise Operators
      o Logical Operators

      o Assignment Operators

      18.Java Loops

      o For
      o While
      o Do-while
      o Enhanced-for loop (java1.5)

      19.Java Decision Making

      o If, if-else o Switch

      20.Static initializer

      o What is static keyword use o How to static works in java o Static methods
      o Best practice of static usage.

      21.Exception handling

      o Exception handling use. o Try
      o Catch
      o Finally

      o Exception propagation o Exception hierarchy
      o Exception propagation o Checked exception

      o Un-checked exception

      o User-defined exception 22. Input and Output Operations

      o Input and output streams o Reader and writers
      o File operations

      Reading, writing

      o What is array
      o How to store the data in array
      o How to retrieve the data from array


      o What is string
      o What is string immutable
      o String constant pool
      o String literal vs Creating a String object

      o String Builder
      o String buffer
      o String methods
      o Using equals operator (==)and equals method


      o Instance of operator
      o Conditional Operator ( ? : ):

      o What is collections

      o Different collections classes in java o Collections of Objects
      o Collection Types
      o Sets

      o Sequence
      o Map
      o Understanding Hashing o Use of ArrayList & Vector o Set


    • istqb certification Selenium Syllabus 
    • selenium tutorials

      1. IntroductiontoAutomation

      o o o o

      What is Automation Testing?
      Advantages & Disadvantages of Automation Testing Automation Criteria (Whether to Automate or Not)
      Web Applications, Web Testing and Test Automation for Web


      2. Introduction to Selenium Components

      o Introducing Selenium o Selenium IDE

      o Selenium Grid
      o Selenium RC
      o Selenium Web Driver o Selenium Grid and Hub

      3. Selenium-IDE2.3

      o Installing and Opening IDE o IDE Features

      o Building Test Cases
      o Running Test Cases in Firefox
      o Running Test Cases with WebDriver Playback Support o Exercise on Selenium IDE

      4. SeleniumWebDriverinDepth

      o How to use WebDriver
      o WebDriver drivers
      o Selenium WebDriver Configuration with Eclipse

      o Locator Strategies

      o ByID,
      o By Name,

      o By Link,
      o By PartialLink, o By XPath,

      o By CSS Selector, o By Tag,
      o By Class

      o X-PATH and Different Techniques o X-Path Absolute

      o X-Path Attribute
      o X-Path Relative
      o X-Path finder tools

      o Hands on WebDriver Commands


      o o

      Running WebDriver Tests on Internet Explorer, Firefox & Google Chrome

      Debugging WebDriver Tests Exercise on Selenium WebDriver

      5. SeleniumWebDriver–Topics

      o TextBox

      o CheckBox
      o Buttons/Form Submission
      o Select/ComboBox
      o Radio
      o Alerts
      o Popups
      o Table Data
      o Take Screen Shots
      o Browser Operations (Maximize & Scrolling) o Browser Navigations (Backward & Forward). o Listeners

      o Windows
      o Frames
      o JavaScript execution

      Mouse Events
      o Keyboard Events o Synchronization

      Implicit Wait and Explicit Wait

      o Testing with other Browsers. o Exercise.

      6. FrameWorks

      a. TestNG
      b. PageObject

      c. Page Factory

      d. Data Repository

      e. KeyWordDriven

      f. DataDriven
      g. BehaviourDriven

      • Cucumber • Gherkin

      7. ExceloperationswithApachePOI

      a. Howtoreadexceldata
      b. How to write data in excel

      8. Maven

      a. HowtoconfigureMaven
      b. Howtousethemavenforselenium c. Pom.xml

      9. JenkinsIntegrationwithSelenium

      a. How to install Jenkins
      b. Howtoconfigurethebuilds

      c. Jenkins with selenium Integration.





    Selenium Training Benefits for


    • Freshers/Graudates who want to kick start their Carrier in IT World
    • Enter in to Ecommerce or IT/Software Industry with Good Salary.
    • Job Openings are Plenty to get Placed Immediatly after course
    • Scope of Selenium Course is Fantastis and Growing in demand


    • Manual testers, Non-programming aware testers interested in learning Automation
    • You get much higher salaries.
    • Make shift from qtp tool to selenium
    • Any software Application is Tested in multiple browsers using selenium tool
    • Much Better and Promising Career


    Listed some selenium job openings for you from our clients, interested candidates can send your resume to our placement officer

    • CBSI


      • Currently they have job openings on ETL Testing, Selenium Testing, Mainframe Testing for Bangalore Location, 4-9 years Experience, If you are interested for this position then Please send me your updated profile to
    • IGATE Global Solutions


      • Strong experience in QA automation tool (Selenium with Java) Experience of building automated tools/framework to test web based apps and multiple interfaces.
      • Proficiency with Object Oriented Concepts
      • Should have experience in automating in an enterprise service bus architecture using middleware technologies such as SOAP UI, REST, JSON, etc
      • Should have worked in an Agile environment using continuous integration
      • Shown proficiency in different SDLCs (Esp Agile, Xtreme Programming, etc)
    • Recruise


      • 3-5 Years experience in Quality Assurance
      • Proficiency with Selenium or other automated testing tools
      • Experience writing Java code
      • Experience working with web and/or mobile technologies such as HTML, CSS, Javascript, XML, HTTP Protocol.
      • If interested please share CV to
    • N.G Technologies


      • Job Description Send me Jobs like this
      • Should have 2+ Yrs. experience in Manual Testing
      • knowledge in Selenium web drivers is an added advantage.
      • Should have good experience in SQL database.
      • Should have experience in creating Test Plans, Test scripts, Test cases.
    • Vortex Softwares


      • Job Description:
      • candidates Should have sound Software testing knowledge . responsible for preparing test cases for particular data, executing test cases, bug tracking, test reporting databytes. Keyskills Software Testing automation testing manual testing software quality assurance software test engineer Desired Candidate Profile Software Testing
    • Accenture


      Job Description :

      • Prepare Test plans, estimates, Review test scenarios, scripts, or procedures;
      • Conduct or participate in product quality reviews to provide input on functional requirements; and test systems modifications to prepare for implementation according to the required methodology.
      • To ensure the test plans are completed as planned, and assist with developing testing programs for specific areas.
      • The individual will test system modifications to prepare for implementation according to applicable methodology and will participate in product quality reviews to provide input on potential problems.
      • The individual will document software defects; monitor defect resolution efforts; and create and maintain databases of known test defects.
      • Prepare test metrics and reports. Manage Escalations. Highlight risk and issues
    • CBSI


      • Currently they have job openings on ETL Testing, Selenium Testing, Mainframe Testing for Bangalore Location, 4-9 years Experience, If you are interested for this position then Please send me your updated profile to

    Popular Trending Courses in IT Companies

    selenium automation training in bangalore - FAQ's

    Where do the automation testing course take place?

    Classes will be Both Classroom & Live Instructor-led online. The online interface lets you and the Trainer have a 1-to-1 interaction. It's more effective and as same as sitting in a physical classroom.

    What if i miss the selenium classes near me?

    Will i get Technical Support after completion of selenium automation testing course?

    Will i Get FREE Demo Class before i pay selenium course Fees?

    What's New in Selenium Course in bangalore?

    Selenium training in bangalore and in other cities

    latest selenium interview question and answers

    Do you provide selenium training and placement ?

    Yes, We do provide Placements Support. We have Dedicated placement Officer taking care of the Students placement. Over and above we have tie-ups with so many IT Companies where the prospective HRs and Employers contact us for placements & internships. you are updated on various job opportunities for Selenium Test Enginners in Bangalore and Chennai and depending upon your interest in those your resumes are shared and the process is taken ahead

    Do We Get To Work On Live Projects?

    The entire Selenium Testing training has been built around Real Time Implemenation, You Get Hands-on Experience with Industry Projects, Hackathons & lab sessions which will help you to Build your Project Portfolio, GitHub repository and Showcase to Recruiters in Interviews & Get Placed

    Will i Get Technical Support Even after Completion of java selenium course near me?

    Yes, You can Ask any technical Doubts/Question to Trainer and get Clarify, Even you can Reattend Classes for the topics you want Revision. While Pursing, You should complete your course sincerely by doing Assignments Regularly given by trainer.

    What all certifications you provide?

    You will have an independent, internationally recognised certification as proof of expertise in the field of test automation, which are:
    • ISTQB® Certified Tester Advanced Level Test Automation Engineer
    • ISTQB® Certified Tester Foundation Level Agile Tester
    • Certified Selenium Tester Foundation - iSQI
    • Inventateq Course Complete Certification
    • ISTQB Foundation Level (CTFL)

    Who are the Selenium Trainers?

    Our Trainers are chosen not only for their knowledge and expertise but also for their real-world experience in the field they teach. We Will Help you Get Resume Ready and Provided Interview Preparation Support